After me and my friends gained a little fame during our high school days when some of us were only 15 years old, we began hosting parties on holidays and many of our respective schoolmates attended. We would hire a sound system and DJs to heat the beats and those attending danced the night away, took pictures and just had lots of fun. After most of the parties people talked about how fun it was and even those who had not bothered to come started to ask us to host one more time and promised they wouldn’t miss it for the world. This was when we first started to develop love for the art of bringing people together.
Since then, we’ve hosted several successful parties, and although we have learnt a lot about the local event promotion scene, we just couldn't ignore the fact that as event organizers, we overlook(ed) some important aspects of the event promotion process therefore compromising the patrons’ experiences at these events and the reputation of the local industry at large. Coming up with S.M.A.R.T, innovative and efficient event promotion solutions has become our passion. We believe it can restore confidence in patrons and attract new ones to come out and experience Soweto, this will create revenue for local event organizers, drive employment, make Soweto great again and ultimately, awaken the sleeping giant, that is - the Soweto Event Promoting Industry.
All this however, is much easier said than done. Our marketing communication strategy revolves around the presence of our target audience online, we use a creative, informative and persuasive promotion strategy that is carried out mostly on digital media platforms, including social media. We strategically combined the some elements of the marketing communication mix to be an integral part of our efforts to reach you.
This is only the beginning. As Co-founders of So Where To Party, in the process of reinforcing the idea and through the journey we've traveled, we have developed the unique characteristics that differentiates our approach on event promoting. I also acknowledge that there’s a whole lot of work that needs to be done to solve the challenges we have always faced, to help patrons discover & experience kasi's hottest parties as well as make sure that these experiences are EPIC!
Aw Yebo @Morena_WaParty
Yebo baba